Do you know what the labels on your alcoholic beverages mean? If you don’t it can definitely cost you!! There are many open litigation suits regarding false advertising claims on some of you favorite alcoholic beverages. You mean Red Stripe, the official beer of Jamaica, is actually brewed in Pennsylvania…Wait What?!? “Handmade”, “Craft”, and “Imported” have very distinct requirements that must be met before a claim is made and a label is submitted through the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) certificate of label approval system (COLA). Make sure you understand what the requirements are before you make an advertising representation that is false or misleading which can potentially open up your company to expensive litigation. Contact our Alcohol Law practice group today to see how we can help you avoid future problems today!!
ARTICLE: Do You Know What Handmade, Craft, And Imported Mean Regarding Your Alcoholic Beverages?